Include Your Intentions in Special Masses and Prayer
Our missionary priests offer Novenas of Masses throughout the year for Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Padre Pio, All Souls' and Christmas. Beautiful spiritual cards are available.
A Novena of 500 Masses will be offered by Missionary Priests beginning on Valentine's Day.
List IntentionsA Novena of Nine Hundred Masses will be offered by Missionary Priests beginning on Christmas Eve.
Include NamesIs there someone you love returning to school this fall? Enroll them in our Student Masses, asking our Lord to guide them through another year in the classroom.
List IntentionsHearts ache for those who have grown careless about or have abandoned our Catholic faith. There is no better way than the holy Mass to pray for those who have strayed away.
List IntentionsTroubles and worries, struggles and challenges are sometimes a heavy burden. But our faith in a good and loving God enables us to "hand over our cares on Him." Our God never disappoints!
List IntentionsThere are many ways to support Capuchin missionaries around the world. Your gift from the heart, and according to your ability, is greatly appreciated.
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