

A Testament to Growing Faith and Education, Amplified by SMA's Commitment

Only recently has the Seraphic Mass Association helped the growing community of Capuchins in Nigeria. The community was established about 30 years ago by a Nigerian-American who joined the Capuchins in the US and requested to begin a community of friars in his native country. It was a struggle for many years, but now the Capuchins are seeing great growth in number and enthusiasm for the Catholic faith. Even as Islamic fanatics threaten Christians, the number of Catholics and vocation to the priesthood and religious life are at an all time high. The Capuchins cannot accept all the young men who want to be friars. The Seraphic Mass Association has begun a very large project to build a high school for 1,200 students in the central region of the nation. The Capuchins in Nigeria asked for our help. How could the SMA refuse? It is a project that will take five or six years to complete.