Telangana, India

Telangana, India

Capuchins Rise Amidst Challenges to Educate and Spread Faith

In the center of India is the state of Telangana, and its residents struggle to survive. Capuchins from Kerala arrived ten years ago to begin a mission to the mostly Hindu people, many of whom are of the untouchable caste. There are no bustling cities. Schools are not readily accessible to most children. The Seraphic Mass Association helped the friars by building an elementary school in Chennur. It has been a fantastic success, already expanding several times. Assisi Primary School was the first of many projects supported by the SMA. Already there are converts to the Catholic faith, which is especially interesting because Telangana is one of the many hotbeds of Hindu extremism, where Catholic churches are often burned and Priests and Sisters assaulted. The Hindu nationalists are determined to make Hinduism the ONLY religion in India. The Capuchin missionaries are doing heroic work in Telangana, and the Church is growing.